I Did WHAT?!!

Written Down April 7, 2018

I did it. I am out of Real Estate and kind of freaking out because now it’s more of a “What did I just do?” kind of moment. Art has been who I am all my life. It may not have always been front and center, but it was always there beckoning me to “Come to the Creative Side. We have FUN.”

In April 2018 I attended a seminar in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was conducted by The Art Business Institute and The Clark-Hulings Fund. I have attended multiple seminars in my life. They were all pretty much the same enthusiastic marketing gurus playing the same Space Jam music and the only solution they typically had for you was to buy their product. Cha-Ching, “that will be $25,000 for our marketing plan and the rest is up to you. No guarantees.” This seminar was different. I actually learned something and they weren’t selling anything. They were genuinely there to help and to guide you are some of the important steps of being a working artist.

There were 2 BIG take-aways from this seminar that have impacted my life. The first was something that the instructor, Daniel DeGriz, said regarding Goals. It is not a straight line from point A to point B, adjustments will need to be made along the way, so just START. If you don’t start you’ll never get there. The second was learning how to set a goal. Out of all the seminars that I have attended for Real Estate and the importance of setting goals, no one taught HOW to set goals. I was at the point that I needed to make a goal to learn how to set a goal and then actually carry through with it. Daniel DeGriz, Elizabeth Hulings, and Carolyn Edlund took the group step by step on goal setting. It was right there Goal #1 Be done with real estate and become a full time artist by January 1, 2020.

It’s January 1, 2020.

On December 23, 2019 I changed the status of my real estate license to INACTIVE. Goal #1 accomplished. Time to FREAK OUT!! 😳

The truth is, in the past several years I have had too many jobs. How can a person be successful at any particular career when their focus is scattered all over the place? Art is my life.

“Your life is not the anchor for your art. Your art is the anchor for your life.”

Stephen King, Author of many terrifying suspense novels about life.

I by no means have everything figured out for this adventure of mine. I’ll make adjustments a long the way, but I’m starting. While it may be terrifying to change careers half way through life, it is also very liberating. I will miss the people I worked with in the real estate business, but I am still available for lunch any time.

My new office. It’s not much, but it’s mine. At least until we have guests arrive. If you like the bedspread you can get it at my shop on Society6

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Melissa Whitaker

Artist | Illustrator | Photographer Currently Looking for her lost shaker of salt. 🍈

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