Yes. I have another job.

I have often felt that the art world does not consider artists who must work a second, third, or fourth job as a serious, professional artist.  I have been a REALTOR since 2002 and an artist all my life, but I still have bills that must be paid and a family to feed, so yes, I have another job.  Matter of fact, I have a LOT of jobs.  Artist, Photographer, Illustrator, Realtor, Property Manager, Landlord, Mother, Wife, and I even sit on a couple of company Boards.  Life is Chaotic, and from that Chaos comes art.

A gallery manager in Santa Fe, New Mexico, asked me, “Why do you paint?” Not “What do you paint?” but Why.  I looked at him with a befuddled face and said, “Too breathe.”  It’s that simple.  I work to pay the bills and to pay for some of the extras in life, (I’m kind of partial to food and never could do the starving artist thing).  But to paint or to draw, that is LIFE itself.  It calms the soul, and helps the mind soar off to other places.  It is an escape.  It is a DRUG.

A friend recently encouraged me to venture into the new territory of digital art.  I now call him my Drug Pusher, because once I finish a picture on my iPad Pro, my skin is crawling for the next project.  I often have to set a timer to remind myself to eat something and to step away and socialize with people (for some reason that is still required these days).  The truly great thing about drawing/painting on the iPad Pro is, you can take it everywhere with you.  I can do my job and do my passion at the same time.  The highest accomplishment of multi-tasking.

Yes, I have another job.  I have several jobs, but foremost I am an artist to the depths of my soul.  I am an artist who has bills to pay.  Now, who wants to buy some Art and if you don’t want to buy art, perhaps I can interest you in a 6 bedroom, 6 bath home, shaped like a riverboat with a salt water in-ground pool for $1,180,000.00.  The Realtor

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Melissa Whitaker

Artist | Illustrator | Photographer Currently Looking for her lost shaker of salt. 🍈

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